April 2014 Planting
May has finally come and we're seeing some of this year's exciting new projects begin to take off! Along with the new barrel room for wine storage (and for hosting some of our wine club "Soup"er Events later this year), we're also planting almost 8 more acres of vineyard!
Two and a half acres of Merlot have been planted at our Kenridge site behind the winery. The other six acres have been planted in the field across the gravel road from our main Glenway site (at the winery), which includes Chambourcin, Chardonnay, Vidal Blanc and Cabernet Franc. The planting of these crucial acres marks the prospect of both expansion and self-sufficiency, and brings our total to almost 30 acres of vineyard:
7 acres Cabernet Franc
4 acres Viognier
3.5 acres Petit Verdot
3 acres Chardonnay
2.5 acres Cabernet Sauvignon
2.5 acres Merlot
2.5 acres Seyval
2.5 acres Norton
1.5 acres Chambourcin
.5 acre Vidal Blanc
However, planting didn't happen overnight! There was quite a process of preparing the vineyard for planting that occured before the actual planting of the the vineyard itself. First, the site had to be surveyed and tested to see if it was the right place to plant from both nutrient and drainage perspectives. We also took temperature readings to determine if the "low" areas (the valleys and dips in the land) pose a significant risk of frost, and to make sure that the edges of the planned site will be exposed to adequate sunlight. This information also helped us determine the best varietals to plant and how the nursery should graft the vines to achieve maximum quality. Once we had all of the facts confirming the quality of the new vineyard site, we ordered the appropriate vines ...and all of that happened last year! Between ordering the vines and planting them, we were busy preparing the land by tilling the rows, installing posts, and building braces to support trellace wires.
We finally received the baby vines and planted them last week, wrapped them in grow-tubes (like little mini greenhouses around each vine...and deer defenders!), and added the tender loving care of gallons of water. It will take three years for the site to start producing and five years to produce the maximum yields. Till then, it's a matter of pruning the vines to train them up to the trellace and crossing our fingers for great weather!
It is a complicated but exciting time at the winery and in the vineard...if you're interested in learning more about the vineyard planting, or for any other questions, please feel free to contact us. See you next time at the winery!
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